Australia's largest home exchange community

How it works

You have a holiday in their house, and they have one in yours. You spend nothing on accommodation. It’s really that simple.

Browse for free

There are no limitations to what you can see on the site, so use our awesome search tools to find the perfect base for your next holiday.

Create your listing

Join up and create your house listing. Add photos (you can do it from your phone) and browse around other listings to see how you can refine yours.


This is how smart people do holidays. Our secure messaging system makes it really safe and easy - you could have a swap sorted tomorrow!

It’s local

Don't just travel there - LIVE there. Find the best local cafes, restaurants, parks... and all the secret gems known only to the natives.

Your house swapping partner can provide all the hot local tips - the amazing local cinema, the best parks, the incredible cafe on the hill etc... which all makes your holiday experience so much deeper and more rewarding.

It’s easy

We’ve helped tens of thousands of members arrange fantastic holiday accommodation for free. Get started now - it's really easy.

Do it your way

SIMULTANEOUS SWAPS are the most popular model for home exchange - both parties swap at the same time. But there are other ways to swap...

NON-SIMULTANEOUS: You stay at their place and later on, they stay at yours. This can happen if you've got a holiday property, or a self-contained living space on your property.

HOSPITALITY: You host them at your home and, later on, they host you.

Explore the options

There is a broad range of options that can make your house swapping experience even better.

LAST MINUTE: If you are feeling spontaneous, you can flag that you are open to last minute swaps.

OTHER OPTIONS: These include Car Swapping, organising for your pets to be cared for by your swap partners and the fact that you can swap for a weekend, for a week, for a month or for 6 months.

3 days or 3 months

We often dream of the holiday we really WANT - and settle for the one we can AFFORD. It might be time to turn that around, by not having to pay for accommodation.

And the entire time that you’re away from home, someone is living in your home, which is the very best form of security; and they might even water the gardens for you as well.

Don't just settle - go for the dream.

Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2021 - Winner Tourism Category

It’s good

This is the sharing economy at it’s simplest - you swap your home with other members to get free holiday accommodation. And there are OTHER proven benefits...

More sustainable

Recent studies show that carbon emissions are reduced by over 60% compared with hotel accommodation, water usage is less and waste is more likely to be recycled.

Builds local business

The savings on accommodation are often spent locally; on entertainment, food, wine and in local shops. Travel is encouraged and the wealth is spread over a wider group of businesses.

Protects heritage

Collaborative consumption extracts greater use from existing resources (i.e. houses). This means less hotels, which reduces water wastage, energy usage and traffic congestion.

It’s comfy

Enjoy a holiday with all the comfort & convenience of a real home.

A real, lived-in home offers so many benefits, like a full kitchen, a laundry and an entertainment system. Or even an open fireplace, a pool, a piano or cable internet.

House swapping is great for families too, often with added benefits like high-chairs, play equipment, kid's books and even toys!


The cost of membership is a tiny investment compared with the THOUSANDS of dollars that can be saved.

Save Money

Travel anywhere without paying for accommodation, and save $1500 to $4000 each week. It happens every day for our members - what about you?

Swap rewards

Refer a friend and if they join, you both get $15 credit. And every year of membership earns extra credit for your next renewal. And there's more...

Swap guarantee

Life doesn't always follow the script, so if you aren't able to swap houses during your entire membership, you’ll get 12 months free (terms apply).

It’s time...

You CAN afford to have that holiday. You can holiday more OFTEN and you can spend more money on FOOD, WINE and ENTERTAINMENT.

Holiday house swap accommodation

Join Australia's largest award winning home exchange community, and you could be organising your next holiday in a matter of minutes.